Safety Tools

The ultimate manhole cover tool specifically designed for handling locked manhole covers


Enhanced Safety

CareCone ensures visibility and safety wherever you work. Its powerful LED lighting and reflective materials offer extraordinary visibility, even in low-light conditions. Lasting up to 300 hours per battery change, it guarantees long-lasting illumination in extreme conditions. Its foldable design saves space and makes transport easy. With increased stability and the option for a flashing beacon, CareCone enhances safety on the worksite or road.


Versatile Safety

CareFence is a compact and versatile barrier designed for securing open wells during maintenance work. Its quick setup and flexible configuration options make it ideal for various work situations. CareFence provides peace of mind and safety at the worksite with minimal storage space required.


Mobile Safety Barrier

CareFlex is a compact, foldable safety barrier designed for easy transportation and storage. Its high-reflective materials ensure visibility even in low-light conditions, prioritizing safety for both personnel and passersby. With a span of up to 2.3 meters and adjustable weight, CareFlex offers versatility for various terrains and wind conditions. Made from 100% recycled plastic, CareFlex promotes sustainability without compromising on quality. Ideal for mobile worksites, Flexxy combines practicality with safety, making it an essential investment for prioritizing security and visibility.


Cohesive Safety Solutions: Enhanced Visibility, Versatility, and Reliability